Seamless integration with APX, Axys, Black Diamond, Tamarac, and PortfolioCenter: All required data is automatically pulled from your portfolio accounting system. CompositeBuilder actively monitors key data fields in your portfolio system to identify when strategy changes occur.
End-to-end, rule-driven automation of composite creation and maintenance: CompositeBuilder rules programmatically adjust assignments due to strategy changes, significant cash flows, minimum size violations, cash or margin weight, weight of client-directed or restricted positions, position size, or variance from a model portfolio. Composites may be built from either accounts or groups.
Comprehensive tools: CompositeBuilder identifies outliers and allows you to quickly see any accounts not included in a composite over any period. Track all periods when accounts are excluded from composites for rule violations or non-rule generated client-imposed restrictions. CompositeBuilder supports carve-outs with actual or allocated cash, model fees, and the creation of blended benchmarks.
Reduce the burden of the verification process: Save days of work with one-click verification extract to provide all data required by your verification firm.
Comprehensive reporting: Create annual presentations with all required columns and disclosures. A broad universe of ex-post return and risk analytics are available.
Certified by The Spaulding Group
In August 2014, The Spaulding Group certified CompositeBuilder as behaving "in a manner consistent with one designed to support compliance with the fundamental requirements of the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)®." The application successfully passed a rigorous examination and met all requirements within eight overall criteria. More information...
“We threw away our old spreadsheets and homegrown database. CompositeBuilder eliminated all the ad hoc workarounds. It does what it says it does.